Execution deadline in working days
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Receiving restrictions

LIDA representatives abroad and the Export Promotion Division provides different consultations on the market size, structure, participants, the prices of goods distribution channels, logistics issues, competitors, the business culture, public information availability, on export quote, profile or presentation preparation.
Consultations are provided in e-mails and through meetings with merchants, including within the framework of activities organised by the government (National Stands, trade missions, business forums, B2B meetings).
If the timing of the consultation or its preparation time is less than an hour of work, the consultations are provided free of charge. If the timing of the consultation or its preparation time exceeds an hour, then the service is a paid service. This service can be delivered as de Minimis support if a merchant has contract with LIDA, according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 678 (December 1, 2015).

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Service may require onsite, via e-mail or postal mail.

  2. Receipt of services
    Onsite service can be received by e-mail or postal mail.